Deliver the UN SDG’s and Paris Climate Agreement to school students – A SustainablEarth initiative.

Future. Photography by: Una Silkane-Caceres -
Future. Photography by: Una Silkane-Caceres –

By: Jose Luis Caceres

As we advance towards the last few years of the second decade of the 21stcentury, two remarkably important global agreements were made, which aim to transform our world for the better: “The United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Global Goals for Sustainable Development)” and the “Paris Climate Agreement”. Aligning the pathways to meet the goals of such agreements constitutes a tremendous task and its success will not be possible without the compromise and due-diligence of our generation and the involvement of our children’s generation.


Children of today will be the stewards of the planet tomorrow. Making sure that they are aware and understand some of the most pressing issues affecting our planet is critical. It is, at the end of the day our responsibility not only to work for their well being but moreover to deliver them the knowledge that will empower and guide them to follow the right pathways in the future.

Main Objectives:

  1. Education
  2. Empowering
  3. Promote positive environmental action


  1. Interactive workshops/seminars (in person).
  2. Duration: 1 full day or delivered over various segments in a number of days.
  3. Each topic (see contents), to be presented in approximately one hour.

Target Audience:

  1. School students. The workshops/seminars would be presented in a format aimed to students from Gr. 7 to 12.
  2. This project is conceived to evolve first in the city of Calgary and potentially expand it to the rest of the province of Alberta and further beyond.


  1. Present the 17 UN SDG’s, at a glance.
  2. Present the ‘Paris Climate Agreement’, at a glance. Discuss Climate Change: The science behind it.
  3. Climate Action: Mitigation, adaptation and resilience. Discuss the use of ‘clean’ energy and energy efficiency as well as positive environmental practices.
  4. Energy: Fossil Fuels and Renewables – Recognition of the significance of fossil fuels in our lives (despite the pollution they produce when burnt) and vision of the future of energy.
  5. Discussion on energy and the environment at a global context and in the context of Canada.
  6. Climate Leadership Plan of Alberta – transition to a ‘cleaner’ and more diversified economy.
  7. Discussion on the pathways for the future, possible scenarios and reasons for hope.

To discuss this project, provide feedback and/or explore means of collaboration, please contact us.

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